Курс Project Management Professional
з експертом
Настав час розвинути свою кар’єру та навчитися навичкам управління проєктами! Цей курс є золотим стандартом в управлінні проєктами, незалежно від того, збираєтеся ви отримати PMP або CAPM, чи бажаєте поновити сертифікацію, чи просто хочете знати, як керувати проєктом від початку до кінця.
Старт курсу
набір триває
Формат навчання
за вашим графіком
2 місяці / 17 занятть / 34 години
Підтримка менторів
24 / 7
Що ви отримаєте:
дізнаєтесь, як керувати великими, складними проєктами від початку до закриття;
дізнаєтесь, як керувати своїми проєктами без стресу, будете на висоті в будь-якій ситуації;
будете рішучими, прийматимете своєчасні та якісні рішення під час виконання проєкту;
зможете будувати безпомилкові, детальні та точні плани проєкту;
зможете визначати вимоги до ресурсів, вирішувати командні конфлікти, мотивувати свою команду, контролювати постачальників/субпідрядників.
Заняття проходять в будні дні 2 рази на тиждень. Провідні спеціалісти діляться своїм практичним досвідом.
Вивчаємо теорію на реальних прикладах, вчимо лише основи.
Практика є важливим аспектом адже більше уваги ми приділяємо практиці.
Відеозаписи та інші матеріали доступні протягом всього навчання та після його завершення.
Допомога ментора
Постійний зв’язок з ментором у вирішенні всіх питань.
Онлайн заняття
Виконання завдання
Зворотній зв'язок
Виправлення помилок
Середня заробітна плата
в перші 2 роки роботи в IT
від 1500 до 3000 $
від 700 до 1000 $
від 400 до 700 $
Початок кар'єри
Через 1 рік
Через 2 роки
*статистичні дані з інформаційного ресурсу DOU
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2 онлайн зутрічі на тиждень
з менторами професіоналами
Комунікація в чаті
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та студенти курсу
Круті ментори
Щоденно з вами на зв’язку кращі спеціалісти
цієї сфери, які допоможуть у всіх моментах
Формат навчання
навчайся за власним графіком
18 000 грн
✓ Курс проєктного управління - 2 місяці
✓ Кожна тема складається з 80% практики
✓ Тільки Project Management
✓ 2 заняття на тиждень по 2 години
Тopic 1.1 Course and mentor introduction. Acquaintance with group. Introduction to Project Management.
Who is a Project Manager and why this role is so important today?
Understanding the Role of a Project Manager: Project managers play a crucial role in planning, executing, and closing projects. They are responsible for defining project objectives, assembling and leading teams, managing resources, and ensuring project success.
Key Project Management Concepts: This section delves into essential concepts such as scope (defining the boundaries of the project), schedule (timeline and milestones), budget (financial resources), and stakeholders (individuals or groups with an interest in the project).
The Project Life Cycle: Learn about the project life cycle, which typically consists of initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and controlling, and closure phases. Each phase has specific tasks and deliverables.
Тopic 1.2 Project Initiation and what you can't miss on this phase.
Defining Project Objectives and Scope: Clearly defining project objectives and scope helps prevent scope creep and ensures that everyone involved understands what the project aims to achieve. Techniques like SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) are discussed.
Stakeholder Identification and Analysis: Identify all stakeholders who may be affected by or have an impact on the project. Analyze their interests, expectations, and influence to develop effective strategies for engagement and communication.
Creating a Project Charter: The project charter is a formal document that authorizes the project and outlines its high-level objectives, stakeholders, scope, and initial constraints. Learn how to create a comprehensive project charter.
Topic 2.1 Project Communication Planning: Where words become actions, ensuring seamless coordination and project success. Agile Project Estimation Techniques.
Stakeholder Communication Matrix: Create a stakeholder communication matrix to map out the communication needs, preferences, and frequency for each stakeholder group.
Communication Technology and Tools: Explore various communication technologies and tools, including email, video conferencing, and project management software, to enhance project communication.
Story Points and Velocity: Dive deeper into Agile project estimation using story points and velocity metrics to predict project timelines and track progress.
Relative Sizing and Planning Poker: relative sizing techniques and how to conduct planning poker sessions for more accurate estimation.
Topic 2.2 Project Planning.
“If You Fail to Plan, You Are Planning to Fail” — Benjamin Franklin.
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): The WBS is a hierarchical decomposition of the project's work into smaller, manageable tasks. Students will learn how to create a WBS, which serves as the foundation for project planning and resource allocation.
Developing a Project Schedule: Explore scheduling techniques like Gantt charts and critical path analysis. Understand how to sequence project activities, estimate durations, and create a project schedule that accounts for dependencies and constraints.
Resource Allocation and Management: Effective resource management involves identifying and assigning resources, balancing workloads, and optimizing resource utilization. Learn how to allocate personnel, equipment, and materials to meet project requirements.
Topic 3.1 Effective Risk Management. Navigate uncertainty with confidence! Delve into the world of Effective Risk Management and learn to safeguard your projects".
Identifying and Assessing Project Risks: Identify potential risks that could affect the project's objectives. Risk assessment involves evaluating the likelihood and impact of each risk, allowing for prioritization and mitigation planning.
Risk Mitigation Strategies: Develop strategies to mitigate identified risks, reducing their potential impact. This includes risk avoidance, risk transfer, risk acceptance, and risk mitigation measures.
Risk Monitoring and Control: Implement ongoing risk monitoring processes to track the status of identified risks. Learn how to adapt risk responses as necessary and ensure the project remains on track.
Monte Carlo Simulation and Other Advanced Risk Analysis Techniques: Dive into advanced risk assessment methods, including Monte Carlo simulation, sensitivity analysis, and scenario planning.
Decision Tree Analysis: Learn how to use decision trees to make informed project decisions under uncertainty, considering various possible outcomes and their probabilities.
Quantitative Risk Assessment: Quantify project risks and their potential impact on project objectives using quantitative risk assessment tools and models.
Topic 3.2 Project Budgeting and Cost Management. Master the art of Project Budgeting and Cost Management, where every dollar counts and success hinges on your financial prowess.
Creating a Project Budget: The project budget outlines all financial aspects of the project, including estimates for labor, materials, equipment, and overhead costs. Learn how to create and manage a detailed project budget.
Cost Estimation Techniques: Explore various cost estimation techniques such as bottom-up (detailed estimates), top-down (macro-level estimates), and parametric estimating (using historical data).
Cost Control and Tracking: Implement cost control measures to ensure the project stays within budget. This involves tracking actual costs against the budget, identifying variances, and taking corrective actions as needed.
Topic 4.1 Quality Management. Elevate your standards and drive excellence with Quality Management – where every detail matters in pursuit of perfection.
Understanding Quality in Project Management: Quality in project management refers to meeting or exceeding customer expectations. Explore the concepts of quality planning, quality assurance, and quality control.
Quality Planning and Assurance: Develop a quality management plan that defines quality objectives, standards, and processes. Quality assurance involves implementing these plans and ensuring adherence to quality standards.
Quality Control Techniques: Learn how to perform quality inspections, reviews, and tests to identify and rectify defects or non-conformities in project deliverables.
Topic 4.2 Communication and Stakeholder Management. Unlock the keys to success through effective Communication and Stakeholder Management, where relationships and connections drive your projects forward.
Effective Communication Strategies: Effective communication is essential for project success. Explore communication methods, channels, and strategies that foster collaboration and ensure that project information is shared effectively.
Stakeholder Engagement and Communication Plans: Develop stakeholder engagement plans that outline how to communicate with different stakeholder groups. Understand the importance of managing stakeholder expectations and addressing their concerns.
Managing Stakeholder Expectations: Learn techniques for managing stakeholder conflicts, resolving issues, and ensuring that project outcomes align with stakeholder interests.
Тopic 5.1 Team Building and Leadership. Transform groups into cohesive, high-achieving teams. Explore the secrets of Team Building and Leadership for unparalleled success.
Building High-Performing Project Teams: Understand the dynamics of team formation and development. Learn how to select team members, set clear roles and responsibilities, and foster collaboration and motivation.
Leadership Styles in Project Management: Explore different leadership styles, including authoritarian, democratic, and servant leadership. Understand when to apply each style for effective project leadership.
Conflict Resolution Techniques: Develop conflict resolution skills to address conflicts that may arise within project teams. Strategies include negotiation, compromise, and problem-solving.
Тopic 5.2 Procurement and Vendor Management. Procurement and Vendor Management: Your roadmap to optimizing partnerships and achieving cost-effective excellence in the supply chain.
Procurement Planning: Explore the procurement process, from identifying procurement needs to selecting the appropriate procurement methods (e.g., purchase, lease, contract).
Selecting and Managing Vendors: Learn how to evaluate and select vendors, negotiate contracts, and manage vendor relationships throughout the project.
Contract Negotiation and Administration: Understand the key components of contracts, including terms and conditions, deliverables, payment terms, and dispute resolution. Learn to administer contracts effectively.
Тopic 6.1 Project Execution. Turn your visions into reality with Project Execution, where planning meets action to achieve remarkable outcomes.
Monitoring Project Progress: Implement tracking mechanisms to monitor project execution against the plan. This includes regular status updates, milestone tracking, and performance metrics.
Change Management: Develop strategies and processes for handling project changes, whether they are scope changes, resource changes, or other adjustments.
Performance Reporting: Learn how to communicate project status, progress, and performance to stakeholders through reports, presentations, and dashboards.
Тopic 6.2 Agile Project Management. Adapt, evolve, and conquer with Agile Project Management – the dynamic approach to project success in an ever-changing world.
Introduction to Agile Methodologies: Understand the principles of Agile project management, including iterative and incremental development, customer collaboration, and flexibility.
Scrum, Kanban, and Lean: Explore popular Agile frameworks such as Scrum (sprints and daily stand-ups), Kanban (visual workflow management), and Lean (eliminating waste).
Agile Project Planning and Execution: Learn how to plan and execute projects using Agile methodologies, including backlog management, sprint planning, and retrospectives.
Тopic 7.1 Kanban in action. Unlock the power of Kanban in Action: Streamline workflows, boost efficiency, and achieve remarkable results in your projects.
Kanban principles and practices which provide a structured framework for implementing the Kanban method effectively.
Metrics. Teams use Kanban metrics to gain insights into their processes, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions to enhance workflow efficiency and effectiveness. It's essential to choose metrics that align with the team's goals and regularly review them during Kanban meetings and retrospectives.
Topic 7.2 Project Management Software Tools. Unleash the power of technology in Project Management! Explore the latest Project Management Software Tools that streamline efficiency and boost productivity.
Overview of Popular Project Management Software: Explore various project management software tools such as Jira, Microsoft Project, Trello. Understand their features and capabilities.
Hands-On Experience with Project Management Tools: Gain practical experience by using project management software to create project plans, track progress, and manage resources.
Integrating Software into Project Workflows: Learn how to integrate project management software into your project workflows to enhance collaboration and streamline processes.
Topic 8.1 Operational management as a part of PM work. Operational Management: The Unsung Hero of Project Management – Discover how it plays a crucial role in ensuring projects run smoothly and deliver exceptional results.
Understanding the Significance of Operational Management
Differentiating Operational Management from Project Management
Process Design and Improvement
Quality Control
Capacity Planning
Performance Measurement
Continuous Improvement
Topic 8.2 Project Closure: The final chapter in your journey towards success, where accomplishments are celebrated, lessons are learned, and paths forward are illuminated.
Closing Out a Project Effectively: Understand the importance of a thorough project closure, including administrative tasks such as final reports, documentation, and financial reconciliation.
Lessons Learned and Post-Project Evaluation: Conduct a comprehensive project review to capture lessons learned and best practices for future projects.
Handing Off Deliverables to Stakeholders: Ensure a smooth transition of project deliverables to stakeholders, including training and knowledge transfer.
Topic 9. Future Trends in Project Management. Project Management in Tomorrow's World: Navigating the Future Trends that Will Redefine Success.
Emerging Technologies in Project Management: Stay updated on technological advancements, such as AI and blockchain, and their applications in project management for automation, data analysis, and enhanced collaboration.
Project Management in a Post-Pandemic World: Consider the impact of global events like the COVID-19 pandemic on project management practices, including remote work, crisis response, and resilience planning.
Continuous Learning and Professional Development: Strategies for ongoing growth, including pursuing certifications such as PMP, PRINCE2, or Agile certifications, and staying current with industry trends through conferences and networking.